Bacterial Infection in Dogs

Bacterial Infections are crucial issue not only for human beings but also for animals. And this present article sheds light on some bacterial infections in dogs and some types of bacterial infections and its treatment.
Bacterial infections are the result of a weakened immune system and the bacteria is able to replicate and spread in dog’s body. Immune disorders can cause allergies, contagious diseases and other problems.
Common types of bacterial infections in dogs
Skin Infections:
Skin infections in dogs are more prominent infection, because this type of bacteria emerge on skin of dogs such as, itchiness, scabbed skin and pustules are bacterial symptoms of bacterial infection of the skin. If this type of infection is ignored then dogs may lose their skin hair.
Leptospirosis Infection:
This type of bacterial infection is very common in dogs because it is highly contagious. This Infection occurs when dogs drink from stagnant water contaminated by urine or facal matter. If dogs are suffered from this type of bacterial infection, they may develop a fever or vomit, or flu like symptoms.
Kennel Cough:
Kennel Cough is a familiar bacterial infection that affects the respiratory system of dogs. This bacteria gets its name, from how its spread from dog to dog or from dogs kennel or animals’ shelters. It is easily spread through sneezing and coughing.
Bacterial Ear Infection:
Signs of bacterial ear infection include itchy, red and inflamed inner ears, bad odor waxy build up in the ear.
Lyme Bacterial Infection:
Lyme Bacteria emerge from ticks or fleas. It can lead to fever, lethargy, and other painful symptoms. While taking your dogs to woods or grassy area make sure to make ways to protect dogs.
Other types of bacterial infections in dogs are; Salmonella, Clostridia, Bordet Ella etc. These are some common types of bacterial infections in dogs.
Treatment and Precautions: Treatment of bacterial infection is depended on the type of bacteria present in a body and severity of the infection. After examining the effects of any kind of infection, treatment should be started.
Skin infections, Kennel Cough, Lyme Infection, Leptospirosis bacterial infections are few of common bacterial infections dogs face. It is impossible to prevent your dogs from bacterial infections all the time, but taking some precautions on time can help in preventing from a major problem. Antibiotics and immunostimulants are used in the systematic treatment of skin bacterial infections in animals.
Don’t let your dogs to drink water from stagnant water that is contaminated and cause many skin bacterial infections. Make sure to give clean and maintain fresh water bowl to yours dogs inside and outside. While taking dogs outside, make some plans to protect your dogs from fleas and ticks, cover them up with some cloth so that they cannot be infected by bacteria.
During sever bacterial infections, consult any veterinarian as soon as possible, so that bacterial infection could not affect the whole body. Several lab tests are also possible for sever infections such as; CBC (complete blood count), Blood gas and chemical panel, Allergy testing, skin scrapings and biopsy. Cleanliness process is also very important to protect your dogs from certain diseases and bacterial infections.
These bacterial infections in dogs are worrisome for their owners, and human being can get rid of these types of bacterial infections by making some healthy precautions against contagious infections.