Joint Dislocation in Cats

Anatomy indicates that humans have 206 bones and 12 hips while cats have 213 bones and 13 hips. Just like humans, cats are not far below the list of evolutionary marvels as they can jump, hop, twist and turn as well as perform other muscular related activities at ease. Cats have excellent muscle flexibility and muscle control. Ligaments and tendons articulate the cat bones forming a joint. The muscles and ligaments assist in locomotion and help reduce friction and tension between the bones. The joints are subject to dislocation from rigorous exercises or external injuries. If the joint is completely dislocated, the condition is referred to as luxation.
Types of cat joint dislocation
A cat joint dislocation may occur from constant wear and tear or torn ligaments. The dislocation may occur in various joints in the cat structure. There are hinge joints, which include articulation of bones and ligaments, and ball and socket joints that consists of a capsule enclosing the articulation point. If the bone moves out of the capsule, it results in dislocation. The dislocation in the hinge joints happens because of overstretching. According to recent studies, the movement supporting joints are at a higher risk of dislocating compared to other joints. Major cat joint dislocations include;
- Cat tail joint disorder
- Cat jaw dislocation
- Cat paw dislocation
- Cat leg dislocation
- Cat shoulder dislocation
- Cat hip dislocation
Significant causes of cat joint dislocation
Although cats have a higher ratio of strength and size compared to that of a human being, their bones and muscles are not strong. If you mishandle the cat, it may succumb to injuries that may include major joint dislocations. You should treat your cat with tender and keep it in a safe environment favorable for pets. Cat joint dislocation may happen because of the following reasons;
- Heavy fall from a high ground
- Knocked by the door
- Hit by a hard or blunt object
- Hit by a speeding automobile
Symptoms of a joint dislocated cat
Cats cannot communicate verbally making it difficult to understand when it needs help. However, some signs can make you aware that the cat has a dislocated joint and requires special medical attention. If ignored, the symptoms may worsen leading to more complicated conditions such as arthritis. The symptoms include
- Cat limping when walking
- Swelling around the joint
- Limited movement
- Pain
- Aggressiveness when touched
Cat Joint dislocation treatment
Taking the cat to a veterinary for immediate treatment is imperative. If you notice that your cat has a dislocated limb, don’t try to treat it because you may sentence it to additional pain. On receiving the cat, the veterinary examines the degree of the dislocation and assesses the best mode of treatment for the cat. The veterinary may decide to give the cat a painkiller to relieve the pain as he performs several treatment procedures. The veterinary may manipulate the joint physically if the dislocation isn’t extreme.
In some cases of severe dislocation, surgery may be prescribed to reform the joint back to its normal state while treating the surrounding organs in case they got affected during the dislocation. The cat may stay at the vet for scrutiny then be released after being confirmed healthy.Cats are fantastic pets and their health matters. It may be hard to notice some cat joint dislocations hence it is advisable to take your cat for checkups perpetually.